GPU Gems

GPU Gems

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Chapter 41. Real-Time Stereograms

Fabio Policarpo
Paralelo Computação Ltda.

41.1 What Is a Stereogram?

A stereogram is a 2D image that encodes stereo information so that, when viewed correctly, it reveals a hidden 3D scene. It all started back in the 1960s, when Bela Julesz, who worked at (AT&T) Bell Labs researching human vision—particularly depth perception and pattern recognition—created the random-dot stereogram (RDS). Stereograms evolved from stereo photography, in which two photographs are taken from slightly different camera positions (representing the displacement between our eyes).

41.1.1 Stereo Photography

Stereo photography is very old, dating back to 1838, but some of the old stereo cameras and stereo photograph viewers, such as the one shown in Figure 41-1a, can still be found at antique shops. The idea behind stereo photography is to take two similar photographs, but from different positions displaced horizontally (like our eyes). Our eyes are separated from each other by about 65 mm, and this disparity causes slightly different images to be presented to the brain. These differences allow the perception of depth.


Figure 41-1 Stereo Photography

In Figure 41-1a, two images (stereo pairs) are placed side by side in front of the lenses. The lenses facilitate viewing, presenting each image to each eye, respectively. The stereo pairs must be visualized so that the left photograph is seen by the left eye, as shown in Figure 41-1b, and the right photograph by the right eye, as in Figure 41-1c. If the images are swapped (with the left image viewed by the right eye and vice versa), depth perception will be inverted.

41.1.2 Random-Dot Stereograms

To generate an RDS, we start by creating an image made of random dots, as shown in Figure 41-2a. Then we duplicate the image and modify it by selecting a region and displacing it horizontally, as in Figure 41-2b (the bigger the displacement, the deeper it looks). The gaps created by moving the regions of the image are then filled with more random-generated dots, as in Figure 41-2c, and...that's it!


Figure 41-2 Generating an RDS

We now have two images, the original and the copied/displaced versions. Displaying each image to each eye allows the depth perception, and the hidden 3D scene is then visible.

You can view an RDS like a standard stereo photograph. To visualize an RDS (or standard stereo photographs) using only your eyes and no extra apparatus, simply look at two images, such as those in Figure 41-3, crossing your eyes before the image plane. This makes you see four images instead of two, because each image duplicates (as if you were looking at your nose).


Figure 41-3 An RDS Pair Ready for Visualization

Changing the focus point moves the duplicated images in relation to each other, and when the center images merge, you'll see the 3D hidden scene. At the correct focus point, you'll see only three images: one in 3D at the center and two in 2D on the edges. See Figure 41-4 for a detailed explanation of how this works.


Figure 41-4 Viewing a Stereo Image Pair

41.1.3 Single-Image Stereograms

A single-image stereogram (SIS), an evolution of the standard RDS, requires only one image. The idea is that neighboring vertical slices of the image will match patterns, thus generating the depth perception. See Figure 41-5 (top). In an SIS, we slice the image into vertical strips, reducing the displacement needed when viewing. For example, if we slice the image into eight strips, we need one-eighth the displacement to view it. This allows the eye crossing point to be closer to the image plane, which is more comfortable to the viewer.


Figure 41-5 Viewing a Stereogram with Four Strips

For an RDS, the eye crossing point must be farther in front of the image plane (that is, closer to the viewer) than in an SIS, so that the displacement of the images seen is the size of the image itself. Actually, an RDS pair works just like an SIS with two strips.

With stereo photography and classic RDS images, viewers must always cross their eyes in front of the image plane. But in an SIS, because the separation between the strips is smaller than the distance between our eyes, there is an alternative, more comfortable way to view the image. Viewers can cross their eyes behind the image plane, thereby inverting their depth perception but still resulting in a 3D image. See Figure 41-5 (bottom). Most popular SIS images are generated to be viewed this way.

41.2 Creating a Single-Image Stereogram

An SIS is generated from a given depth map (that is, a grayscale image with depth information) and a tile pattern (usually a colored tile image), as in Figure 41-6.


Figure 41-6 Input Images

Notice in Figure 41-7 that the tile pattern is repeated and deformed, based on the depth map. If a random-dot image is used as the tile pattern, the resulting stereogram is a single-image random-dot stereogram (SIRDS).


Figure 41-7 The Resulting Stereogram

41.2.1 Parameters

When creating a new SIS, we need to consider parameters: the number of strips to use; the depth factor, which can increase or decrease the depth perception (which in turn controls the amount of deformation applied to the pattern tiles); and whether to invert the depth values (white can be considered depth 0 or full-depth 1).

Here are some of the parameters:

  • Number of strips (num_strips): Integer value, usually from 8 to 24
  • Depth factor: Floating-point value in the range 0.0 to 1.0, with 1.0 meaning full depth
  • Invert depth: Boolean value indicating whether depth values should be inverted (1 – depth)

41.2.2 Rendering

To render the SIS, we start by subdividing the depth map and the result image into vertical strips. To simplify this example, we use four strips (num_strips = 4), but for a true SIS we would use more. We then subdivide the depth map, shown in Figure 41-8, into four strips (num_strips) and divide the result map into five strips (num_strips + 1), because we need a reference strip to start with.


Figure 41-8 Rendering the Image

This is the pseudocode for the SIS rendering:

for (i = 0; i < num_strips; i++)
  draw_strip(i + 1);
  read_strip_to_texture(i + 1);

At the beginning of the pseudocode, we simply draw the first strip, texture-mapped with the tile pattern, as in Figure 41-8a (no fragment program is needed, just normal texture mapping). We copy the strip pixels to the result texture map (using glCopyTexSubImage2D to copy the region we just modified). We then have the result image, as shown in Figure 41-8b.

Next, we enable the fragment program and set the depth map, result map, and depth factor as parameters to it. We loop, drawing the remaining four strips from the result image. For each strip we draw, we must copy its pixels to the result texture map, because each new strip uses the previous strip's image as a reference.

When drawing the missing strips from Figure 41-8b, we will be copying the content from the previous strip and displacing pixels horizontally based on the current pixel depth. For example, if a given pixel depth is 0, we will copy the exact color of the same pixel location in the previous strip. But for other depth values, we will be getting the color from the previous strip at positions in the same scan line, but displaced proportionally to its depth.

Now consider the depth map and the result map images with coordinates ranging from [0, 0] to [1, 1]. A given fragment with coordinates [x, y] uses the following computations to find the coordinates in the previous strip of the result map from where to get the color:


41.2.3 Creating Animated Single-Image Stereograms

Because SIS images can be generated in real time using the fragment program capabilities of our GPU, we can now make an animated single-image stereogram (ASIS). We will use a normal 3D scene made of triangles, and use its z-buffer as the SIS depth map—which means we'll render a 3D scene from a given viewpoint and read the z-buffer contents into the depth map texture. See Figure 41-9.


Figure 41-9 Making an Animated SIS

When we use the z-buffer from a real-time rendered scene as the source for the depth map image, we can interactively move the 3D scene (or have a predefined camera animation path) and have the stereogram update every frame to reflect the changes. This produces a real-time animated stereogram (a single frame from the animation is shown in Figure 41-10).


Figure 41-10 One Frame of the Animated Stereogram

It's difficult to visualize an animated stereogram, so look at it first without animation, and when you have a clear view of it, turn animation on. This is because you must keep your eye crossing point fixed at the correct distance while the image animates to be able to visualize the animated stereogram. People unfamiliar with stereograms will find it easier to search for the correct eye crossing point distance with a static image.


Figure 41-11 Another View with Different Color Tile

41.2.4 Fragment Program

Listing 41-1 shows the fragment program used to generate the stereograms we've discussed.

Example 41-1. Fragment Program for Generating Stereograms

struct vert2frag
  float4 pos : POSITION;
  float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct frag2screen
  float4 color : COLOR;
frag2screen main_frag(vert2frag IN, uniform sampler2D resmap,
                      // result map
                      uniform sampler2D depthmap, // depth map
                      [ 1.0 / num_strips,
                        1.0 / (num_strips + 1) ] uniform float2 strips_info,
                      // depth factor (if negative, invert depth)
                      uniform float depth_factor)
  frag2screen OUT;
  // texture coordinate from result map
  float2 uv = IN.texcoord.xy;
  // transform texture coordinate into depth map space
  // (removing first strip) and get depth value
  uv.x = (IN.texcoord.x / strips_info.y - 1.0) * strips_info.x;
  float4 tex = tex2D(depthmap, uv);
  // if factor negative, invert depth
  if (depth_factor < 0.0)
    tex = 1.0 - tex.x;
  // compute displace factor
  // (depthmap_value * factor * strip_width)
  float displace = tex.x * abs(depth_factor) * strips_info.y;
  // transform texture coordinate from result map into
  // previous strip translated by the displace factor
  uv.x = IN.texcoord.x - strips_info.y + displace;
  // assign output color from result map previous strip
  OUT.color = tex2D(resmap, uv);
  return OUT;

41.3 Sample Application

The sample application uses OpenGL and Cg for the fragment program support. It is a simple Win32 application, and the source code is small. To run the application, start the pStereogram.exe file. To browse the source code, open the pStereogram.dsw file in Microsoft's Visual C++. The application uses the GL_ARB_fragment program extension and should execute in any environment supporting this extension. Even emulator-based fragment program support will work—slowly, but it will work.

41.3.1 Application Options

The application includes several options that let you generate new and custom-made stereograms. You can load new depth maps (Ctrl+D), new tile patterns (Ctrl+T), and new 3D geometry (Ctrl+M). Image file formats supported are JPG and TGA. The application supports 3D geometry file formats 3DS and P3D.

In the View menu, you can select options such as these:

  • Texture Filtering (Ctrl+F): This option allows smooth depth ranges. If disabled, depth values will be discontinuous and you will clearly see the gaps between depth levels (like depth stairs).
  • Invert Depth (Ctrl+I): This option inverts the depth values (1 – depth). It works by inverting the depth image values (white turns black and vice versa). Some people feel more comfortable viewing stereograms with the eye crossing point before the image plane, some after it (as if you were looking at something inside the monitor). If you see the 3D images entering the image plane, use this option to obtain the correct image.
  • Depth Factor (<, >): This option selects the factor for multiplying the depth values. Small factors result in shallow images. High values make very deep images. The depth factor should not be higher than 1.0, or artifacts will be generated if the depth map uses all of the available range (0.0 to 1.0).
  • Number of Strips (–, +): This option specifies the number of strips to use. Small values generate fewer—but larger—strips, and large values generate lots of smaller strips. This will modify how close to the image plane you have to cross your eyes to get the 3D image.
  • Generate Stereogram: When this option is selected, the fragment program is activated and you'll see the stereogram. If disabled, the fragment program is deactivated and all you see is the current selected depth map.
  • Depth from 3D Mesh: This option makes animated stereograms possible. When enabled, the depth map used by the program is acquired from the z-buffer of the currently selected 3D mesh object render. In this mode, you can navigate the 3D scene while viewing the resulting stereogram. Some 3D scenes might include more than one camera, and some cameras might be animated, so change cameras using the number keys: "1", "2", . . . , "9". You can move through the scene interactively by using the "S", "X", and arrow keys. You can also rotate the view by clicking and dragging with the left mouse button and pan the view with the right mouse button.

41.4 References


The Magic Eye Web site.

Thimbleby, Harold W., Stuart Inglis, and Ian H. Witten. 1994. "Displaying 3D Images: Algorithms for Single Image Random Dot Stereograms." Journal Computer 27(10), pp. 38–48. Available online at


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